Company Profile

Project Involvement / Our Milestone Achievements

# Transportation of oil through pipeline from Chittagong to Dhaka, Bangladesh(CDPL)
# Cyber Thread Detection and Deep Packet Inspection(DPI)
# Sheikh Hasina Cricket Stadium
# Water treatment plan
# Supply and installation of smart pre-payment meters
# Construction of integrated pedestrian underpass
# Technology centers under export competitiveness for jobs
# 50 MW Solar based power plant

We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of collaborations across government.
Call to ask any question +880 9609001631 | E-mail:

Mehdi Islam

CEO / Managing Director
Welcome to

MangoTru Ltd.

About Us

MangoTru Limited is a Enginnering,Procurement,Consultancy,Security solution provider company.Eventually MangoTru Ltd started diversifying in other sectors related to engineering projects in various departments and thus MAMA Corporation and Trust Corporation was formed. With a pool of talents providing the source of innovation to create value to the clients and the future of the employees, Mangotru Limited strives to be a model leader among its peers.

Our Mission

MangoTru Limited is channeled effectively and efficiently to fully support the company-wide strategic direction. Our mission is to help entrepreneurs, businesses and various development projects to succeed with the best financial advisory, strategic, technical, and all types logistics services the world has to offer.

Our Values

# Provide our clients with a level of service ahead of their expectations at market conditions
# Strong concern for Propose solutions of enginerring projects and sector.
# Maximize client value by providing total solution to the clients based on competitiveness in each of the areas
# We act responsibly and reliably when we do our job, we care about the interests of our clients, our employees, the company and the communities in which we live, contributing to a sustainable environment.

Our Vision

We will continue to improve our amenities and services to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and the long term growth of our company will be assured through these satisfaction of our customers. To reinvent “the onshore and offshore solution experience” for affluent business decision makers.
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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging
collaborations across government, private sector and
international forums.

Company History / Events
MangoTru Ltd. is a professional Consulting Design and Project Management Company
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Year 1986

Impress World Wide (Garments Factory): It was Clothing Company having own Production unit as well as Outsourcing.Impress World Wide was specialized in large variety of Light knit,Heavy knit and Woven.Impress World Wide had a state of the art composite knit fabric production mill, which serves the growing needs of high-quality knit garments exporters in Bangladesh. The project was set up as a state of the art knit fabric knitting, dyeing and finishing facility.

Year 2012

MangoTru Limited (Consultancy and Security Provider): Mangotru Ltd. is a Enginnering,Procurement,Consultancy,Security Solution provider company.Our solutions offer speed, agility, and efficiency to tackle business challenges in the areas of service management, automation, operations, and the mainframe.Mangotru Ltd has formed various other sister concerns including MC,TC,MEPL,MSL,MTL,PKL,CAP.

Year 1981

Expert International (Buying House) : Expert International is the first made garment buying house in Bangladesh.It became very successful and it provided quality garments to many internationally reputable buyers/importers and departmental chain stores markets. We were prepared brief in collaboration with our customers, based on the market requirements of a given territory and the requirements of individual customers.

Year 1991

Mantrust Group (Projects Management Company): MangoTru Limited is a Project Management company which started with as a private operation in Dhaka City.It has worked with International multi-million-dollar companies across the globe.It has formed various other sister concerns including PKL,MEPL,MAL,MEPL,MSL.MangoTru Limited deals with some industrial projects under high performing organizations such as BPC, GTCL, Roads & Highways, Water Ministry, BEZA etc.MangoTru Limited is channeled effectively and efficiently to fully support the company-wide strategic direction.

Year 2016

Mama and Trust Corporation (Bridging Partner): Mama and Trust Corporation is a bridging partner that deals with large engineering projects in various industries both Government and private sectors.Both the company are a consulting agency and supplier of heavy construction equipment.The company also has a strong reputation in maintaining effective correspondence amongst all parties, providing almost all kinds of business support, having strong rapport with the authorities and principals in executing business successfully.

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.